Forums - How to Beat Magneto? Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- How to Beat Magneto? ( Posted by Azn Bomber on 01:06:2001 07:49 AM: As of lately, there has been more and more Magneto players out there. I can beat MOST Magneto players, but I can sometimes see myself struggle with him if I'm not careful. I want to find out everyone's opinion on how they make Magneto player's cry. I find a solid Cable/Doom can shut him down if you pace yourself and wear him down and wait for mistakes. Here are some of Mags weaknesses and I was wondering how all the good players out there capitalize on it: Here's some weakness I see: - Cr. HP Launcher does have SOME lag to it - Takes more than 100% damage - Lacks a QUICK projectile super (Shockwave doesn't count) - Tempest AC combo can be mashed out of - Lacks a true projectile (his is good, but it won't win any fireball fights) Winning Isn't Everything But Losing Isn't Anything. Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 01:06:2001 08:00 AM: Magneto's Jabs and Shorts are fast but lack priority, he could easily be launched unless an assist is covering his ass while rushing you. Posted by Azn Bomber on 01:06:2001 08:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeadlyRaveNeo: Magneto's Jabs and Shorts are fast but lack priority, he could easily be launched unless an assist is covering his ass while rushing you. I agree, but it's hard to see it coming due to his fast dash. You've seen me play Neo, it's no easy task to kick me off the machine I'm just looking for little bits of information to help fine tune my overall gameplay against Mags, so I can RAPE Mag players hard. Winning Isn't Everything But Losing Isn't Anything. Posted by Jonstar! on 01:06:2001 09:20 AM: Bomber: Beating magneto isn't hard. Magnetos game is based on the AC into Tempest, nothing else. Other than the Launcher into Shockwave. Just don't let him get close to you. All you need is a anti-assist helper and your all set. If he tries to rush you down, call assist. Nothing really hard. I used to use magneto and owned with those 75% AC's. I got owned once because the opponent i wuz playin stopped me from doing aircombos. My mag wuz useless. Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 01:06:2001 09:47 AM: magneto's entire game is depended on launching. ENTIRE game. therefore, even the best magneto player is very subceptible to damage if you have a good AAA. but, if you get lauched by a very good magneto player, you'll prolly die.. launch to infinite to super .. if you are good at mashing out, he'll DHC into someone else's super, most likely storms. most likely, being launched kills you. yep. one launcher bye ------------------------ o(o.o)0 0(o.o)o o(o.o)-0(*.0)-o KAPOW! is that okay? Posted by xTrIgGeRMZZ on 01:06:2001 08:02 PM: um anti air assists hurt magneto's tactics real bad in a match. if your playing a magneto then your goal is to keep him from being close to you all the time. i suggest traps that involve anti air assists. there are a bunch of mag players here in NJ and mostly all of them are neutrolized by my strider/doom trap. well anything with doom as an assist is pretty much it for a regular mag player. but if your playing an expert who can dash out of traps then be very very careful especially if your playing with strider/doom because strider doesnt take damage that well. all you gatta do is keep him away from you and have a good ground defense. thats all! hope that helps. Posted by Monkey on 01:07:2001 05:33 AM: You cant beat magneto! -MoNkEy Posted by Dance_Floor_Pro on 01:07:2001 09:19 AM: wuteva... if mag cant launch u.. hes useless... wit mag.. just b agressive like hell and have a good assist to have the caharacter launched for u... so that way it messes up the other guyz game play even more... [This message has been edited by Dance_Floor_Pro (edited 01-06-2001).] Posted by weddingtsanger on 01:07:2001 09:25 AM: well i guess everyone so far has hit it right on the head, mags isn't fully neutralized but is somewhat controlled by a good aaa (cyclops, BH, doom, and capcom....) it's all about keeping mags away from you and not letting him rush in on you b/c of his quick air dash he can out manouver a lot of attacks but the trick is to call aaa's b4 he air dashes, ex: if you have capcom on your team with aaa assist (obviously) call his aaa b4 he's even in the air, this way if he air dashes, he dashes right into it, and so this way magneto won't air dash as much and he'll simply wait for cap's aaa to wear off but keep cable handy so that you can use and abuse his viper beams in order to keep mags grounded as well as beaming to cover capcom. remember magneto has no ability whatsoever to punish assists with supers, i mean sure he can launch them and air combo them but cable is the best character in the game at covering his assists, just keep viper beaming. Posted by dairy queen guy on 01:07:2001 11:48 AM: i don't agree with very much of what is posted here. magneto can use any fast assist that isn't anti air like a beam assist or storm's projectile assist will also work cause even though it's not fast it will go through everything he uses his assist to keep you from protecting your own anti air assist that he constnatly tries to bait you into calling out, so he can combo a tempest on to your assist and kill it. you have to fight magneto from far away and probably from the sky the whole time with doom or blackheart or storm to win easily. magneto doesn't have a way to protect the sky very well except for capcom or blackheart assists, and unless he uses capcom or blackheart specifically for this purpose he dies to dr. doom, blackheart sky attacks. storm can keep away from magneto for the entire fight no problem at all. the other thing nobody mentions here is that magneto can almost kill you with one throw. all of his throws make you fly toward the corners which is where he is very good at throw trapping and killing someone. you have to play hard ass keepaway on magneto that is above his head so his air dashes will be harder to get in with or you will be playing the way he wants you to. my opinion anyway. late Posted by raver6900 on 01:07:2001 12:32 PM: 2 important things on the magnetic asshole. 1: his assist if he has almost n-e AAA be very careful [especially psylocke] 2: his dashes they are so damn fast. if he jumps get prepared 4 a AAA or dash. that's all joys of life: raves, games. and babes. nuff' said Posted by ise on 01:07:2001 01:09 PM: mag does not rely on the launch as much as you think he does, a cr. RH followed by a hyper grav will lead to either a tempest or the launch without the delay that a normal c. HP will do because the hit is guaranteed as a part of the combo. Also doom isnt a good assist to stop him because he can just dash d/f right onto doom and point character's head. to play against mag you must be very patient, push block well and use your AAA when you KNOW it will hit, like right after the airdash and not before. Posted by fattyboonboon on 01:07:2001 05:37 PM: yeah, the only prob i find with Mag is that he has to be very offensive and some careful opponents may get Mag with his AAA.... and Mag's launcher sucks big time coz pple like Jill can actually get him after the launcher with a slide, so a Mag player has to be very careful with his launcher... the best way of course is the one mentioned by ISE... Posted by hqt on 01:08:2001 08:49 AM: Since you've played Mag so many times you should know about how fast he dashes at you. You can just attack from your crouching position into a combo. It's just like two people dashing at each other. Who ever is faster at attacking not dashing. Also an easy solution, do a SUPER. Like Ken's shoryuureppa when Mag dashes in. Also bombing won't help against Mag. He's built for it. He can dash fast enough under a photon array and superjump to a free air combo. Hmm... what else is there... oh yeah Doom's AAA. Covers rush in takes up space good block damage and gives you the offensive hand. Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 01:08:2001 09:27 AM: Magneto relies on launching??!? What stops you from continuing into hyper Grav >> tempest when you connect that Jab in the air? Posted by SSF2T on 01:08:2001 09:33 AM: I'd say BlackHeart if they have assists, but many people really have no skills with BlackHeart except sj.roundhouse. Don't play him unless you know you will win for sure. But if it's a one on one, I would say Ken or Akuma/Gouki. Whenever Magneto does a Launcher, wait about a spilt second, and do the Shoryureppa, Messtsu Gou-Shoryu (no sure on spelling.) It always catches him, and you can DHC with that. But at the end since we all know that there are the best Cable players out there, you can't go wrong with Cable, I can give you any advise with him because I don't ever use him. Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 01:08:2001 09:35 AM: Azn Bomber you are already great, your Cable/Doom could take them out anyway. You don't need strats from SRK peeps Just work on CvS strats for the next tourney !! yay! [This message has been edited by DeadlyRaveNeo (edited 01-07-2001).] Posted by Tommyboi on 01:08:2001 10:05 AM: I agree with DRN. I've seen you own many ppl using your strider/doom. All you have to practice on, is mashing out of hyper grav. You know it's coming during the AC so just mash like a mad man. Posted by DrunkinB on 01:08:2001 12:33 PM: quote: As of lately, there has been more and more Magneto players out there. yea u and I both know that!!! "I'll dazzle your brain!" Posted by Azn Bomber on 01:09:2001 01:22 AM: HEHEHEHE I just want it so all Mags players in Toronto will be crying when I'm done with them!! Winning Isn't Everything But Losing Isn't Anything. Posted by Bernie on 01:09:2001 02:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by xTrIgGeRMZZ: um anti air assists hurt magneto's tactics real bad in a match. if your playing a magneto then your goal is to keep him from being close to you all the time. i suggest traps that involve anti air assists. there are a bunch of mag players here in NJ and mostly all of them are neutrolized by my strider/doom trap. well anything with doom as an assist is pretty much it for a regular mag player. but if your playing an expert who can dash out of traps then be very very careful especially if your playing with strider/doom because strider doesnt take damage that well. all you gatta do is keep him away from you and have a good ground defense. thats all! hope that helps. Who's this guy? NJ, huh? May I ask, where do you play? Just curious... Posted by Viscant on 01:09:2001 05:40 AM: Most of what's written here is incorrect. AAA does nothing against Magneto because of his speed. If you have any of the common forward moving AAAs besides Psylocke (remainder being Ken, Cyclops, Commando, Cammy, all the ghetto ones like Wolverine, Hayato, etc.) essentially, he's 100% immune. His crossup jumping fierce at the right range will make them all useless. Almost his whole body will be on one side of you, whereas the "center of gravity" (I don't have the exact data, but from tests I've done, his center is somewhere on the BACK side of his's so retarded) of Magneto is still on the other side. So the assist will track and move forward to a side that he isn't on yet and that causes them all to whiff. The center of gravity problem is the same reason that his jumpin fierce on wakeup has odd timing to block. (interestingly enough, Silver Samurai has the same tracking problem, but he lacks the setup that magneto has, e.g. the airdash, to make it useful at all) Obviously, calling assists that don't work is not going to be a good idea against Magneto because he can kill them so easily and his magnetic shockwave can guard crush you if it hits an assist first (flying screen glitch of some kind...happens with Blodia Punch and Senretsu Kyaku among others). Here are some assists that DO work though. Colossus-A: If Magneto crosses you up, then Colossus will be coming from the front side and will usually hit Magneto before he hits the ground. Even if you time it too early before he can complete the crossup, Colossus can sometimes act as a combo breaker coming from the long side. Jin-B: Hits on both sides of you, so if you get crossed up, it doesn't matter. Awful character though. Doom-A: Hits on both sides of you. This isn't Doom's best assist and even when connected, it's hard to protect from Magneto. Psylocke-A: She stays close to you, hits behind her on the 2nd arc and gets out FAST, so even if you miss it's unlikely that he can deal anything more than a glancing shot or two to her. This is probably the best one to pick. Point characters that do well against Magneto are: Juggernaut: Traditionally giants beat pixies, beam characters beat giants and pixies beat beam characters (rock-paper-scissors). If Magneto is packing the right assist though (Storm-A), this is irrelevant, but until people stop playing Cable with Magneto, Juggernaut will destroy him. You cannot block during an airdash so just keep moving forward, watch his neck (it looks funny right when he starts to's what I look for personally), then either hit A1+A2 or do the headcrush motion and Magneto's outta there. Again, if he covered his rear with Storm or something to control the ground, this won't work. Colossus: Another giant. He has super armor, so if you have a couple supers before you start, you can create a LONG stalemate situation. The setup that I use is to drop Doom-B, then start the armor while he blocks that, then go get him. You know he can't call an assist (even if he does it won't stop Colossus) and he's really not going to try to attack you. If he DOES call helpers, you can just land the divebomb combo and do a hurting. Divebomb combo does ~70% to Cyclops assist, ~85% to Psylocke assist and Magneto has no holding beam so he can't stop you once you have his assist. The trick here is to build meter while you're armored so you can keep the strategy going. Dhalsim: Dhalsim bothers Storm and Magneto because his sj.rh xx airdash rh with common assists (Iceman, Spiral, Sentinel, Doom) will completely blanket the area that pixie characters use to attack. (translation: the rhs create a ceiling above them, while your chipping assist does the work) I would not recommend Dhalsim in this game to a beginner unless you like the character or have played him in previous vs. games. He's hard to control, takes damage poorly and is very high maintenance. You have to always be airdashing to be effective. On the plus side though, he beats 3 of the 5 most common characters (beats Cable for free, beats Storm/Magneto, gets raped by Sentinel and loses to Doom), so if you're looking for a challenge, give him a look. Overall, I'd say that the best purely anti-Magneto team is either Dhalsim/Doom/Psylocke or Colossus/Doom/Psylocke. You'll beat Magneto and have Doom and Psylocke (both excellent characters) left for whoever is left on the team. Not the easiest thing in the world, but who said this game was easy? --Jay Snyder Le Viscant Posted by DUECE on 01:09:2001 09:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Viscant: His crossup jumping fierce at the right range will make them all useless. Almost his whole body will be on one side of you, whereas the "center of gravity" (I don't have the exact data, but from tests I've done, his center is somewhere on the BACK side of his's so retarded) of Magneto is still on the other side. So the assist will track and move forward to a side that he isn't on yet and that causes them all to whiff. The center of gravity problem is the same reason that his jumpin fierce on wakeup has odd timing to block. (interestingly enough, Silver Samurai has the same tracking problem, but he lacks the setup that magneto has, e.g. the airdash, to make it useful at all) Magneto because he can kill them so easily and his magnetic shockwave can guard crush you if it hits an assist first (flying screen glitch of some kind... --Jay Snyder Le Viscant so when crossing up with mags it's better to do a plain ol fierce than say mabye a sk, fk chain?? also how do you do that guard crush and/or what does it look like?? Posted by Nate X Grey on 01:09:2001 06:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: also how do you do that guard crush and/or what does it look like?? Just shockwave an assist. If the shockwave hits about 5 or more times(not sure), the flying screen hit can't be blocked and both assist and point character get shockwaved. By the way Viscant, could you elaborate more on the crossup part? Why use a fp instead of a hk? Do you mean crossup as in normal jumping crossup or the sj XX air dash crossup? DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by daher1234 on 01:09:2001 09:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: By the way Viscant, could you elaborate more on the crossup part? Why use a fp instead of a hk? Do you mean crossup as in normal jumping crossup or the sj XX air dash crossup? DefiNATEly NOT Cable... I don't understand why J. Fierce with Magneto is considered a cross-up move. A cross-up move is one that allows you to hit an opponent on the other side while jumping over them usually causing your opponent to block the wrong way and then continue into your combo of choice. His J. RH does that, but his J. Fierce doesn't. Most people will block correctly after a whiffed J. Fierce. Posted by DavestA on 01:09:2001 11:15 PM: ya i got the same problem whenever i play v Magneto Posted by Viscant on 01:10:2001 09:17 AM: OK, I just re-read my post. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry. The English language has completely failed me the past couple weeks, so bear with me. First paragraph I wrote is a nightmare. Facts on that are-- --Magneto's center is on the back side of him (I think it's on the back side of his cape actually...VERY far back) --Assists always track to whatever side the center is on. In the other post I said that they tracked to a side he wasn't on yet. That was wrong. The assists track to the center and since the center (being on the back) is pretty much isolated only on that side, when it tracks to that side, he's no longer there. Sorry if I confused anyone. Now, as for why j.fierce is the usual crossup move. J.fierce is good because he stays on the "front" side so long. You can just do that and make them block and not call any assists and if they have a poorer character v. Magneto, like Cable, you can just do this over and over until he misses one and eats a combo. Or, you can mix it up by dropping on them with the j.fierce crossup, then right before it hits them, dash d/f and do fierce (or short, rh) from there too. And the biggest advantage of coming in with fierce instead of another move is that it makes Magneto's body more compact and will help him avoid some assists. Occasionally coming in with shorts or rhs will have him bounce off Cyclops' 1st hit, especially if it's hella deep. As for the guard crushing thing...all I know is that Capcom needs to revise the flying screen rule. So many retarded things happen in MvC2 because of this. Like, Zangief can't ever air combo someone (dash back when you land, ggpo Zangief). Blackheart can't HoD any member of the "instant super club" (love that forced dash), and then there's that Liquid Metal Dhalsim combo (FSD--flying screen deterioration--is supposed to take more work than that...). I guess we can add "what happens when you hit a helper with an attack that usually causes FS" to that list. All I know about this as it pertains to Magneto is that it doesn't happen all the time. But if the screen "shivers" (moves back then forward really quickly) when it hits your assist, GET OUT OF THE WAY. Sometimes it will only do that right in front of you. Weird stuff... --Jay Snyder Le Viscant Posted by COMBO FIEND on 01:10:2001 09:25 AM: It's so easy to defeat Magneto, just time the assist (Any anti-air will do) when he comes in for a combo, that beats any Magneto, unless they know how to assist at the right time, then you have to think. But for the most part Magneto is easy just keep him off with Cable and use the anti-air assist, it's so easy. Posted by DavestA on 01:11:2001 09:48 PM: Just try to not to jump in on him All times are GMT. The time now is 12:45 AM. Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.